Wow! The final day of this challenge, it's come around so quickly and i've managed to be creative every single day. Feeling very pleased.
So, what next? Well, i'm going to continue to be creative everyday, it may not be painting although I have really enjoyed that - I've never been much of a painter, not acrylics anyway, and would love to improve (hehe, let's face it, there's plenty of room for improvement!).
Next week I head away, off island for a couple of months - first to England to visit my family then travelling down through France and Spain - I'll stay in southern Spain for two months. I need to decide what art supplies to take with me - I would love to paint while i'm there so have some of the 6" x 6" canvases set aside. I'll also be packing my sketchbook and watercolours. Decisions, decisions...
Anyway, my final painting is a still life, my beloved Bialetti coffee maker and a couple of coffee cups. An artist friend called round mid-painting and said "oh my goodness, why have you chosen something so difficult!" The answer being "well I like a challenge" :-)
OK, It has issues but at the start of this challenge I would never have dreamed of attempting something like this - I've been very much inspired by the amazing art that all the other participants have been posting day after day on Leslie Saeta's blog Thank you Leslie so much, i've enjoyed my first time with this 30 in 30 challenge and will definitely participate again!
So here it is, acrylics on 6" x 6" canvas board
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