3rd Feb - A long day with a 3:50am start, a 7 hour ferry journey and an 8 hour drive - arriving at my parent's house at just before 9pm. I am not a good sailor and just have to sit when i'm on board so finding a subject for todays face was a little tricky. Anyway I spotted a poster for a local jewelry company and had a go at drawing the model on there. I have a lot of issues with it but it will have to do for today!
4th Feb - A nice lie in then off to the local mall to get some bits and pieces. wow, so many people, so many cars! I always get culture shock when I leave the peace and quiet of my little island. My youngest daughter Kat came round this afternoon. I love her so much - always laughing, always smiling - she cheers my heart no end :-)
As always I have issues with the sketch - man, why is it so hard to get eyes and spectacles to look right! More practice needed obviously!
Thanks Nicole!
Posted by: YvonneB | 05 February 2016 at 10:27 AM
Both of these are very nice. Both strong and vibrant women.
Posted by: Nicole/Beadwright | 05 February 2016 at 04:52 AM